Monday, August 6, 2012

Lessons Learned in Summer School

Several months ago, I wrote about signing Evan up for summer school.  Summer school has come and gone and we took away some great revelations. 
Evan reviewed his math and reading skills.  I realized that I had a few things to review too:

1.     Evan’s enthusiasm serves him well where ever he goes.  Evan once again charmed his way through the experience.  People around him reflected his joy.  There were countless times that people came up to me and said how much they enjoyed being around such a happy boy.
2.     Pride fosters interest and confidence.  One day Evan finished his “Math Mountain” homework first, before everyone else in class.  We heard about this for a long time.  The extra practice is paying off and some class work is getting easier.  This could go a long way in holding his determination in second grade.
3.     We can’t let fear of the unknown hold us back.  I almost let my own fears keep me from enrolling Evan in summer school.  What were the real fears?  Safety.  Once we had an assistant in place, the other fears left to deal with were imagined fears.  Fears of rejection and ridicule that never transpired.
4.     Evan is a visible part of our community.  We were out grocery shopping after the first day of school.  A little girl came up to us and smiled at Evan.  She didn’t say anything, she just stood by us.  I didn’t quite understand at first.  But I put the pieces together and realized that she must be in summer school with Evan.  We chatted and went on our way.  How nice to have even more people in our community know Evan and appreciate him for who he is.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Evan’s enthusiasm has the power to inspire greatness in himself and others in everything he does.  It even has the power to overcome the barriers of being different.

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