Beyond the normal parenting expectations, my child needs me to be his caregiver. Learning how to care for his complicated health care needs has been the focus of our journey so far.
Right now I am going to have to learn how to assist Evan with his mobility needs, without lifting him. He recently went through a growth spurt and now he is too heavy for me to lift. I am thrilled to see him growing, but it was more convenient when lifting him was easy.
This kid is getting big!
I have found that being a caregiver takes a quiet strength and focus. It requires putting everything else in life on hold and living in the moment with the person that I am caring for. Each task is an offering of love that cannot be viewed as an interruption to my day or night, but rather the purpose of my day or night.
“It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing.” ~Mother Theresa
With this in mind, the resources that have helped me the most are inspirational in nature (as opposed to instructional). I recently found Beliefnet, a website offering inspiration to followers of all faiths. Here is a link directly to a page on caregiving that I plan to explore:
If you have a favorite, most trusted resource that you have relied upon in your journey as a parent/caregiver, please share it in the comments. I’m sure there is someone who would benefit from your experience, and I know I would enjoy reading about it!
Very very useful information i've got here...thanks a lot.
Senior care atlanta
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